Bengal Backer Meeting Minutes March 2018
St. Mary Academy Bay View
Bengal Backer Meeting
March 20, 2018
In Attendance: Karin Duprey, Jim Egan, Terese Dillon, Peter Donnelly, Jen Wasson, Donna Cabral,
Bob Wishtischin, Brian Pellitier and Kim Fraioli
I. Welcome, Prayer and Introduction of new members in attendance.
Minutes to the February meeting were reviewed and approved.
II. Center for Resilience Recap
The presentation from the Center for Resilience was well received by the student body. There was great feedback about the hour long presentation.
III. Financial Update
The Board was presented with an updated treasures report and expenditure list. This report reflects an increase in the gate and concession revenue due to BV basketball as well as the CYO tournaments and playoff games.
IV. Athletic Requests
Jen presented the Board with a request from the sailing team. The total amount requested for new water sport bibs is $738.62. Karin presented a motion to approve, Peter second the motion and all were in favor.
V. Spring Sports Meeting
The mandatory spring sports meeting will be held March 22. Available BB will be in attendance to register new members. Brian graciously offered to have the promotional material printed.
VI. Refresh Scoreboard Update
Inclement weather has hindered anyone from taking another look at the board to assist with a way to update the existing sign without replacing it at the moment.
VII. Concession/Gate
Gate and concession income has increased due to basketball season. The concession stand is in need of volunteers for the weekend basketball tournaments.
VIII. Membership/Marketing/ Planning for Board Seats
A discussion took place of when to have BB membership sign ups going forward. Jen suggested one orientation meeting and then 3 season mandatory parent meetings. It was agreed that the BB should market at any opportunity where there will be parents in attendance.
With the need to fill most of the BB Board positions, a discussion took place of the timeline for nominations. It was agreed that an email would be generated to the school population asking for nominations. The deadline would be April 13th in order to prepare to have a vote for the next meeting. *Note the scheduled meeting for April 25th was rescheduled to May 2nd. The final meeting is tentatively May 23. Meeting adjourned at 7:20 pm