Bengal Backer Meeting Minutes Jan. 2018

St Mary Academy – Bay View
Bengal Backer Meeting
January 3, 2017
6:30pm to 8:00pm
In attendance: Karin Duprey, Jen Wasson, Jason Buchanan, Jim Egan, Brian Pelletier and Kim
I. Membership Update
After a motion to approve the minutes to the previous meeting was made and approved, Karin began the
meeting with a membership update, most recently from the winter sports meeting. Two new members
joined from that meeting. It is unsure if any others joined through the website. Jen offered to check on the
status. The next opportunity for a membership drive will be at the spring sports meeting to be held on
March 22.
II. Financial Update
Brian prepared and presented to the BB a treasurers report and expenditures list. This report reflects all
the expenditures to date including the items approved at the last meeting. A discussion took place
regarding investing a portion of the BB funds for a larger expenditure or a special fund with a five year
plan. Brian will speak with Peter Costa to find out what is allowable for the BB from the administration.
Jen has decided to ask all the coaches to submit all athletic request at the beginning of the school year.
The purpose of this is to streamline to requests so that the BB may budget funds accordingly.
III. Athletic Request
Softball uniform update – A new proposal of $2,000 was submitted by the coach. The current amount of
$1500 will updated to reflect this change. The new proposed amount now includes a set of 20 tops for
Home games and 20 tops for Away games. No plants, or socks will be included; players expected to
purchase on own. Donnelly’s is providing the product.
Jen submitted a request for a new Hydrocollator from the new athletic trainer. The cost is $1250.00. Both
the existing equipment and the new Hydocollator will be used to better serve our student athletes. A
discussion took place as to why the request was presented to the BB and not the school. A motion was
made to approve this expense, Jim second the motion and all were in favor.
The topic of a new score board was revisited at this meeting. Jen and Ms.Gribbon met with Sr. Mary Beth
to get her insight on the large expense of replacing the existing sign. She expressed that she needs more
time and information to make such a large decision and suggested a short term refurbishment of the
existing sign. Jen has been in contact with a company called Signs and Sites to obtain a price on wrapping
the sign to give it a new look.
IV. Concession and Gate
Sean has added inventory to the concession stand including some new items and healthier options such as
Kind Bars, smoothies and seltzer. The new items have been well received by the student athletes and
visitors to the basketball games at the Wellness Center.
V. Marketing
Peter and Jim have worked on a letter to engage old BB members. Karin will send the email to Jen to
follow up with the administration for approval. The next opportunity for a membership drive will be at
the spring sports meeting to be held on March 22. The outdoor banner has been delivered.
VI. ByLaws
The administration update regarding the Bengal Backer ByLaws is as follows:
Jen addressed the board with a correspondence from Sr. Mary Beth stating that the current bylaws will
stay in place until further notice to allow her more time to review and become acclimated with the
suggested changes. She will keep the suggested revisions on file to revisit this topic in the future.
VII. Sponsored Events
The Center for Resilience presentation is scheduled for March 7, 2018. The cost to the school is $700.00.
The presentation is free for parents and student body.
The date of the presentation from the Taylor Hooten Foundation needed to be changed due to a
scheduling conflict. A possible date would be March 22, 2018 which would coincide with the Spring
Sport parent meeting. Karin will be working on securing a date that works for the school and the Taylor
Hooten Foundation.
Meeting adjourned at 8:00pm
Next meeting is Tuesday, February 6, 2018 *
*This meeting was reschedule to Tuesday, February 20, 2018