Bengal Backer Meeting Minutes Nov. 2017

St. Mary Academy – Bay View

Bengal Backers Planning meeting


November 20, 2017

6:30pm to 8:10pm

In attendance: Karin Duprey, Janine Larimore, Kim Fraioli, Brian Pelletier, Jim Egan,

Jen Wasson, Peter Donnelly, Jason Buchanan and Nancy Chase


I.       Membership Update

After a motion to approve the minutes to the previous meeting was made and approved, Karin began the meeting with a membership update. The topic of the campaign to improve membership was raised and a discussion took place about ideas to increase membership in anticipation of the winter sports meeting scheduled for November 30th . The BB will have a table set up at this meeting in a different location than the fall meeting to have better exposure. Logistics of material such as the banner, license plate covers and four squares were discussed.  Treasurer Brian prepared a BB Membership history from 2014 to present and shared a copy with all in attendance. This list will assist Jen with cross referencing online memberships with check payments as well as sorting through to determine which families are currently at the school or now an alumni family.


II.     Financial Update

Brian presented the BB with an updated treasures report and expenditure list. This report reflected the donation made to the Gloria Gemma Breast Cancer Foundation from the gate revenue collected at the pink out game.  Other expenditures include the expense for the pink out shirts, license plate covers and the banners that have been discussed at the previous meetings.


III.    Athletic Requests

 Jen presented the BB with an athletic request for the purchase of new equipment. The needs reflect Basketball (bags/backpacks), Lacrosse (Bownet goal and target goal) and Field Hockey (full set of goalie equipment). The total for this request is $3054.54. A motion was made to approve the request, Brian second the motion and all were in favor.


IV.    Capital Expense Opportunity

A discussion took place about the need for a new outdoor score board and how the BB can facilitate a plan to make this a reality in the near future. Jen has obtained one quote. Two additional quotes are needed to adhere to the school rule of 3 quotes. The discussion included possibly obtaining corporate sponsors to assist with the cost as well as determining the scope of work needed. Karin shared with the meeting that the new President, Sr. Marybeth, is willing to assist with finding funds to help with large capital expenses. It was agreed that the BB should have a discussion with the administration to answer questions about the field and area to assist in determining the scope of work.


V.      Concession/Gate

The volunteer letter is complete and has been approved. Karin is waiting for the link from Sean to be able to send it out to the teams. A schedule of winter sport events was handed out to the meeting. Karin raised the topic of sport passes and suggested that they be separate from the BB. A discussion took place. It was agreed that this topic be tabled for another meeting.    


VI.    Marketing

Peter presented the BB with a color draft of the outdoor banner. A motion was made to approve, Jim and Karin second the motion, and all were in favor. After some discussion the suggestion was made to change the photo on the banner. It was agreed that the photo should show more diversity among the student body. After a vote of all present at the meeting the decision was made to omit the photo. Peter will rework the graphics.


VII.   Other Business


            * March Event – Sub – committees will be needed for the upcoming March events. This will be discussed at the January meeting


            * Karin presented the idea of making a BB special fund to be restricted for a long term facility plan. Brian will work with Peter Costa to get some financial history to determine an amount to start the fund.


            * Bylaws – Janine and Sean worked on a proposed set of bylaw revisions. Another meeting will be needed to finish and the final product will need school approval.


            *Jen addressed the BB about the shoe recycling program. It originally started with a BB parent and they have since graduated. The Parents Guild is now involved. A motion was made to remove the BB from the responsibility of this program so the Parent’s Guild may handle it going forward. The motion was second and all were in favor.



Meeting adjourned at 8:10 pm

Next Meeting – January 3, 2018